Cheetah - Captioning/Subtitling & Court Reporting

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You'd Better Get Moving!

Hello all,

Last night, PC World announced that it will no longer sell floppy disks.

We sit here on the heels of the announcement of Windows Vista, we're seeing 64 bit computers being released and it's never been more evident that the technology industry is moving forward and letting go of it's beloved tools of the past.

Here at Cheetah, *we know* that you loved TurboCAT. *We know* that your old laptop has been a trooper and given you reliable service for many years, producing lots of transcripts and supporting your livelihood. *We know* that the prospect of buying a new computer, buying new software and taking a day and a half out of your weekend to do training is daunting at best.

SmartCAT painless and easy. Our customers report that it takes about 10% of the time to learnFor these reasons, we have worked very very hard to make your transition from TurboCAT to SmartCAT that it did for them to learn SmartCAT years ago.

Heck we even made the initial screen of SmartCAT look very much like TurboCAT did to make it easier for you to feel comfortable:

If you have questions about making the move to SmartCAT, please give us a call. We'd be happy to give you references of our delighted customers, outline a bit about our company philosophy, heck we'll even encourage you to talk with our software and product developers!

As always, we can be reached at 800.869.6986.

All the best,

Greg L. Richardson
VP of Operations & Director of Marketing


  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger StillWorking said…

    Is there some way to get TurboCat to work through windows with a compatibility mode or something? If not, is it possible to get the updated SmartCat at a discounted rate as we already have a working TurboCat program?


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